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5 Health Benefits of Ginger


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Though ginger is often used in cooking without much thought, the spice is highly anti-inflammatory and packed with antioxidants. Ginger's extensive health benefits may support gut health, weight management, women’s health, and much more. 

If you’ve ever wondered how products like ginger root, ginger vitamins, and ginger tea can boost your health, you’re in the right place. Read on to learn more about the variety of ginger products on the market and whether you may benefit from their health effects. 

What Is Ginger?

Ginger is a plant (Zingiber officinale) whose spicy root is widely used to flavor meals and beverages. It adds a unique warmth to dishes and teas and offers an array of health benefits. Ginger has been used as an herbal medicine for thousands of years and is now a popular home remedy. 

Ginger root appears similar to turmeric, though their flavor profiles and colors are quite distinct. Fresh ginger can be used whole, but it is available in many other forms, like ginger powder

Ginger is so much more than a sushi sidekick—it’s a versatile addition to recipes, provides nutritional benefits, and tastes good.

Health Benefits of Ginger Root

Beyond its distinct flavor, ginger provides wide-ranging health benefits, from helping with gut and digestive issues to weight management, women’s health, and more. 

Treats Nausea

Feeling nauseated is no fun. Luckily, ginger can help in many cases! Instead of feeling stuck in the house or carrying around a sick sack in case your nausea develops into something more, try using ginger to alleviate your symptoms. 

A myriad of studies show ginger can help alleviate nausea. A 2022 review of studies published in the Journal of Maternal, Fetal, and Neonatal Medicine found that supplementing with ginger significantly reduced nausea in pregnant women.1 Gingerol, the main component of ginger, may be responsible for this benefit. 

Ginger products can be helpful if you’re feeling car sick or motion sick. With doctor approval, they can even be used for pregnant women experiencing morning sickness. Using ginger to help with nausea is an affordable and effective solution. 

Weight Management

Research suggests there may be a link between ginger intake and overall appetite. Limited studies have found that ginger can jump-start weight loss by decreasing appetite and hunger, which may support long-term weight management.2,3 However, in most studies, participants didn’t see changes in their body composition. 

It’s important to consider that many factors lead to weight loss. Keep in mind that adding ginger alone likely won’t reduce your body weight. Your overall lifestyle and diet should also be taken into consideration when you’re trying to manage a healthy weight

May Reduce Menstrual Pain

Over 80% of women have menstrual pain at some point in their lives, which can lead to being cooped up and missing out on enjoyable events.4 Ginger is anti-inflammatory and, therefore, may help reduce menstrual pain, like cramps. A 2021 study in Cureus found that taking ginger supplements three times daily was nearly as effective as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medications in easing menstrual pain.5 

More research in this area is needed; however, ginger seems to be one of the best natural remedies for menstrual cramps and may also help reduce heavy menstrual bleeding

May Help Fight Infections

There’s never a good time to get sick. The sniffles always seem to pop up when we’re busiest and have important plans. To reduce your number of sick days, fill your diet with foods that are high in antioxidants and beneficial for your immune system, like ginger, fruits, and vegetables. Having these high-antioxidant foods can help reduce the frequency and duration of illness.

Ginger may help prevent infections. And if you do happen to fall ill, ginger can reduce inflammation and help with symptoms like a sore throat. A warm glass of ginger tea is the perfect soothing beverage for sick days when your body is fighting off an infection

May Support Healthy Digestion

Research has shown ginger is an effective treatment for nausea, but it may provide other digestive benefits as well. Gingerol may help speed digestion and promote better gut movement. Ginger may also help ease constipation, bloating, and indigestion and may help prevent stomach ulcers induced by NSAIDS.6  

Benefits of Ginger Tea

Teas have been used medicinally for years and offer their own unique benefits. Ginger tea has many of the same benefits as ginger root, but it is easier to prepare. Reach for a warm hug from a cup of ginger tea to improve your health and digestion. 

While tea is a nutritious beverage, limit the amount of flavored creamers and sugar you add to your tea. If you don’t like drinking tea alone, add just a splash of unsweetened milk.

Ginger ale is a common remedy for an upset stomach. Though it may be a comforting drink, ginger ale isn’t as healthy as it sounds. Most ginger ales contain over 30 grams of added sugar—and some popular 20-ounce bottles contain almost 60 grams! The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugar to 25 grams daily for women and 36 grams daily for men.7 Instead of reaching for high-sugar drinks like regular ginger ale, try ginger tea. 

How to Peel Ginger

Ginger root has a pesky skin with many nooks and crannies. While consuming the skin is safe, remove it for a less fibrous texture. Though peeling ginger may seem intimidating, it’s easier when you use a spoon and gently peel forward, as you would if you were using a vegetable peeler, instead of trying to use a sharp knife. You’ll reap the health benefits of ginger root whether you eat the skin or not.

Ginger Risks & Side Effects

Severe side effects of ginger and ginger vitamins are rare, though some people may experience heartburn. Avoid ginger and ginger-containing products if you have a ginger allergy. 

It’s always best to consult your doctor and/or a registered dietitian before making any dietary changes to ensure your safety—especially if you are taking any medications that may interact with ginger.

When purchasing whole ginger root at the grocery store, select one that looks firm without wrinkles and doesn’t appear to have gone bad or rotten. 

Ideas for Eating More Ginger 

Ready to add more ginger to your diet? Here are some creative ways to get more of this spice into your life! If you enjoy ginger’s spicy flavor, use it like other herbs and spices in your cooking. To get started, try one of these gingery ideas:

  • Ginger stir fry with tofu: Sauté tofu cubes in a ginger-garlic sauce and add vegetables like bell peppers, onion, and broccoli.
  • Ginger lime dressing: Whip up a zesty dressing for drizzling over a salad or bowl.
  • Ginger lemon infused water: Take your water up a notch with fresh ginger and lemon slices. Let the mixture sit for a few hours to allow the flavors to develop. 

In addition to adding fresh ginger to recipes and beverages, incorporate some of the many ginger products, such as ginger vitamins, chews, tea, and ground ginger into your daily routine to enjoy the health benefits and flavor of this spice. 


  1. Hu Y, Amoah AN, Zhang H, et al. Effect of ginger in the treatment of nausea and vomiting compared with vitamin B6 and placebo during pregnancy: a meta-analysis. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2022;35(1):187-196. 
  2. Ebrahimzadeh Attari V, Asghari Jafarabadi M, Zemestani M, Ostadrahimi A. Effect of Zingiber officinale Supplementation on Obesity Management with Respect to the Uncoupling Protein 1 -3826A>G and ß3-adrenergic Receptor Trp64Arg Polymorphism. Phytother Res. 2015;29(7):1032-1039. 
  3. Mansour MS, Ni YM, Roberts AL, Kelleman M, Roychoudhury A, St-Onge MP. Ginger consumption enhances the thermic effect of food and promotes feelings of satiety without affecting metabolic and hormonal parameters in overweight men: A pilot study. Metabolism. 2012;61(10):1347. 
  4. Grandi G, Ferrari S, Xholli A, et al. Prevalence of menstrual pain in young women: what is dysmenorrhea? J Pain Res. 2012;5:169. 
  5. Negi R, Sharma DrS, Gaur DrR, Bahadur A, Jelly P. Efficacy of Ginger in the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Cureus. 2021;13(3). 
  6. Haniadka R, Saldanha E, Sunita V, Palatty PL, Fayad R, Baliga MS. A review of the gastroprotective effects of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe). Food Funct. 2013;4(6):845-855. 
  7. How much sugar is too much? | American Heart Association. Accessed May 7, 2024. 

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